The common grounds


The common grounds:

1. Lebanon, the independent country:

The first basis is that Lebanon :

1.1 Is a completely independent homeland and state

1.2 Has full sovereignty on all its territory

1.3 Is a member, entitled to full rights,

 in the United Nations and its organizations

1.4 Refuses all type of political, economic and cultural


and seeks to get rid of colonization, all its aspects and

of every new attempt

of colonization.

1.5 Refuses the interference

of any State or entity in its affairs

1.6 Refuses any division to several states or

cantons: sectarian or not.



2. Lebanon and Arabism:

The second basis is that Lebanon:

2.1 Is an Arab country, with all the implied dimensions

2.1.1 A state among the Arab states seeking solidarity in the Arab


2.1.2 A member in the Arab League,

 who contributes in all the Arab

organizations, whether inter-state or inter-people.

 Has equal rights with those

states, and equal obligations and responsibilities.

 The destiny of all these

States being one

2.2 Lebanon and the Arab unity:

2.2.1 Lebanon backs any Arab union or unity if this unity is:

democratic, secular, modern. Adopted by the people not the rulers.

2.2.2 Lebanon is ready to enter the union or

unity which satisfies

these conditions

2.2.3 And it is ready to do its best in order for

the union or unity

succeed, at all levels



3. The secular Lebanese formula:

Lebanon has to overcome the current Lebanese formula,

 in order for it

to become a secular state on the political, educational,

organizational levels

and on the office and family law levels, and then:

3.1 Any clause in the constitution, the laws and

the conventions that

protects one of the following matters should be amended:

3.1.1 The political confessionalism:

– The sect of the President of the Republic,

the parliament and the


– The sect of the deputies and the ministers

– The sect of the central and the regional army leadership

– The sect registered in the public records

3.1.2 The office confessionalism:

– The sect of the office

– The proportion of the offices for every sect

3.1.3 The confessional aspect of the family law:

The marriage laws, its conclusion and cancellation, filiation and

inheritance, assuming a civil law pertaining to these issues

3.2 The state of Lebanon should encourage any contribution that makes

the country and the state more secular, and should take the responsibility of

the educational and socialization processes, and should opt to:

– The rise in the public schooling and the adoption of a unification

plan for the public schools

– The unification of the academic curricula and close attention to

its implementation

– The change in the military and civil service

– Making the membership in syndicates obligatory

– The backing of the cooperations and encouraging their establishment



– Increasing the effectiveness of the secular associations, clubs,

and movements and backing them



4. The Lebanese formula: The political Democracy

In politics

The Lebanese system should overcome the current Lebanese political

formula in order for it to become a real democratic state, not in appearance, on

the political level, the economic, and the social, whereas the following steps

are taken:

4.1 The increase in the effectiveness of the authorities with

emphasis on their independence and cooperation at the same time, with the

adoption of decentralization on all levels

4.2 Making the parliamentary practice part of a wide popular

democratic practice

4.3 Making the government adopt the principle of

plebiscites/referendums in important issues, the results being binding

4.4 Legislating an electoral law which guarantees the participation

of the people in the parliamentary and political life and which leads to the

representation of the political parties in the parliament

4.5 The dichotomy between the parliament and the cabinet, and banning

the candidacy of any minister to parliament before 5 years of leaving the


4.6 Implementing the economic and social council, truly representing

the economic and social interest groups

4.7 At military level, making the military body a contributor to the

economic, social, educational, environmental development of the country…

In the liberties and participation

4.8 The guarantee of the exercise of all types of freedom:

4.8.1 The freedom of thought, speech, work, publishing, and belief.

4.8.2 The freedom of assembly, meeting, association, and organization



4.8.3 Woman’s freedom and the cancellation of all restraints and laws

that discriminate woman

4.8.4 The freedom of work, commuting, and habitat.

4.9 The spreading of the participation formula in the planning,

reporting, and implementation in the following institutions:

4.9.1 Vocational: from the factory till the hospital

4.9.2 Educational: From school till university

4.9.3 Local: From the quarter to the province



5. The Lebanese formula: The economic democracy

Lebanon should overcome the anarchic economic policy in its current

formula, and should make new legislation and structure, so that it:

5.1 Contains the monopoly syndrome and the motivations for illegal

profit, preserving the principle of individual contribution

5.2 Reaches the monitored economy, planned, cohesive, built on the

Lebanese reality and the Arab surrounding

5.3 Leads to the fading of differences between classes and regions,

and to a country of justice, equality, equal opportunity

5.4 Encourages the employment of individual or common capital in the

productive sectors

5.5 Jobs are provided for every one, and the convenient professional

training and school orientation

5.6 Contains the competition of foreign labor with the available one

in Lebanon

5.7 Healthy and just fiscal (taxes and tariffs) and monetary policy

should be taken



6. The Lebanese formula, the social democracy

In education

6.1 The educational policy should be overcome in its current formula,

which is unjust to the majority of the citizens, in respect to the providence of

a complete education to the Lebanese human being. This education should develop

all his potentials and capacities, and should make him integrated in his

society, taking in it responsibility; therefore some legislation should be

adopted whereas:

6.1.1 Scientific plans should be adopted, whereas a common

educational system is made for all regions

6.1.2 The basis of such a system should be the Lebanese status quo,

with all its possibilities and future perspectives

6.1.3 Free schooling and education should be provided to all with no

discrimination in opportunity at all academic levels, and its binding character

at least at the basic level



About Author

باسل عبدالله - مسؤول تحرير مجلة تواصل مدني

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